About Department of Electrical Engineering, UET Lahore
The Department was established in 1923 as a part of the Macalagan Engineering College. The postgraduate program was started in 1966 and offers two degrees: (a) M.Sc. and (b) Ph.D. Presently, there are about 1200 undergraduate and around 400 postgraduate students. The first Master’s degree was awarded in 1969 and the first Doctoral degree in 1979.
The University has a firm belief in faculty development and therefore facilitates and encourages the young members to go abroad for advanced studies. Presently, close to thirty members of the faculty are pursuing advanced degrees – some of them have been funded by UET, others are Fulbright scholars and the rest have won fellowships or grants from their Universities. Faculty members with higher qualifications are engaged in postgraduate teaching and research supervision.
The research being carried out at the Department has direct bearing on the needs of national industry. This research, in particular, is funded by the Directorate of Research Extension and Advisory Services of the University. A number of research papers are written every year by faculty members and graduate students which are normally published in major national and international journals or presented at international conferences.
The Department has a well-stocked and up-to-date library for the use of the faculty and students. It also offers consultancy services and testing facilities to local manufacturers of electrical and electronics equipment. The Department also arranges frequent seminars and workshops in various areas of electrical, electronics, computer and control system engineering. These seminars are delivered by faculty members, postgraduate students and prominent researchers from home and abroad. The Department is also home to the ZTE-UET Telecom Center which imparts certified technical training in 3G/4G technologies to professionals and students.